Monday, September 21, 2009

Building... one look at a time.

There are people out there, capable of explaining art until the learner goes simply giddy. I, it must be said, though obvious, am a self-confessed ignoramus... a wanton aspirer. Still, I love image, am jealous to experience it for myself, and detest having my mind cluttered with someone else's ideas before I form my own. Last night I read a Professor's take on a Dutch painting from the 17th century. He evidently knew the genre. I loved his commentary. But now I will always think his thoughts about the little girl, in the painting, the maids, the doorways, and on and on. I love images so much.. they talk to me. I need to learn to hear them alone, and first. Then I can read others' thoughts. You may feel the same way. You may want to comment before you read my thoughts. I'd hate to clutter the art for you.

Onward, shall we?


auntie ski said...

You are so FUNNY!!!! A "self-confessed ignoramus" cracked me right up...

Actually I had thought the same thing the last few times I started with a new painting... "form your own response and then read hers"... but each time I couldn't resist seeing what you had to say because you always open my eyes to so much more than my analytical personality allows me to see!

Now you leave me no choice but to comment (and this picture doesn't let me enlarge it like the others, but there's little detail so I don't think I'm missing much).

Building a bridge to no-where... that's what life feels like sometimes...we keep putting one step (board) in front of another, not sure where we'll end up, but always hopeful it will be on solid ground. God directs my path's...but the water shows not a hint of a path... in this case not even boat wake to try to follow. This is like the worst of times, when you just don't know which way to go, so you just start out.

auntie ski said...

Now when I look again, I see a leeeetle spit of land in the distance... so nowhere is now somewhere, but it sure takes courage to keep heading out, there could be a hurricane! A ship could come thru and rip out the bridge! Night will make it very very dark before I get there! It's scary! All the more reason to walk by faith.

auntie ski said...

Okay, I talked to much and didn't really describe the painting like you do! Rip my blinders off! It's all gray and scary and colorless!

Shiloh Guy said...

Why do we think this guy is trying to build a bridge to that piece of land in the distance? He's a fisherman and he's repairing his pier which has suffered damage. I'm not against attempting that which appears impossible, but we're wise to attempt to do only that which NEEDS to be done!

gregory said...

notice the ripples which move outward from the point of contstruction or repair. all along the way, ripples will be made. perhaps when he/she is through, and turns around, the path will be full of fellows.

Anne of The House said...

Oh yah!
Thanks Dave and Gregory! Love it!!