Thursday, March 22, 2007

I could've painted!

Never could I hold their attention with words

Couldn’t tell a story to save my life

I felt like a prisoner

Then finally, one day, I broke the code

And learned to speak in their language

That meant I had to listen to mine

To be with Ok with who I was

To look…and even gaze

At the colors I saw in life

Some have mouths

Some have ears

Some have feet

I was born with eyes

Let me show you a little girl’s face

Full cheeks flushed in the outdoor chill


A knitted hat over both ears

Blonde hair pulled out into a thin loop on one side

Oops! Here’s a Kleenex!

I know I would’ve loved to have painted!


Shiloh Guy said...


Anne of The House said...

wow mom, that was amazinghahahahahahahhahh:) xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

auntie ski said...

She's Baa-aack! :+) Oh happy day! Great stories here! I feel a children's book coming on...

Anne of The House said...

Awww Thanx Bonn!
Yah- I can't stop painting now!
I've got watercolor fever!

Anonymous said...

I am searching for an ephiphany like that. What should I be if not what I am? So I go on ever plodding foward looking under rocks, but treading the surface - searching still. I am excited that you have admitted to have found your gifts - of which they are many, gifted Mia!!